Personal Information

2516 Avent Ferry Road, Raleigh, NC
Email address
sgshetty [AT]


North Carolina State University
Master's of Computer Science, August 2017- May 2019
GPA 3.8/4.0
  • CSC 515: Software Security
  • CSC 584: Building Game Artifical Intelligence
  • CSC 510: Software Engineering
  • CSC 541: Advanced Data Structures
  • CSC 591: Data-Driven Decision Making
  • CSC 505: Design and Analysis Of Algorithms
  • CSC 522: Automated Learning and Data Analysis
  • CSC 591: Foundations of Data Science
  • Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, University of Mumbai, IN
    Bach. of Engg., Computer Engineering, August 2013-May 2017
    GPA 9.11/10.0
    Relavent Courses: Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Data Warehouse and Mining, Distributed Databases, Structured and Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Computer Networks, Machine Learning
    Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School, Puttaparthi, IN
    Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi, June 2004-March 2013
    Standard 10th: CGPA: 10.0/10.0
    Standard 12th: Percentage: 94%; Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science

    Technical Skills

    • Languages:
      • Python, R C, C++, Java, Node.js and Javascript.
      • NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, SciKit-Learn, Theano, TensorFlow, Keras, NLTK and TextBlob.
    • Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JQuery, PHP
    • Others: Docker, Kubernetes, Git, AWS - EC2, S3, MongoDB, LAMP, MySQL, Android Studio, Eclipse, MATLAB, Photoshop, PyCharm, Eclipse


    Software Engineer co-op, Lucidworks Inc.
    Raleigh, NC [ Feb 2019 - Present ]

    • Part of the Research & Development headed by Dr Chao Han. Working on the Question-Answering system for enriching Solr using Deep Learning technologies
    • Rebuilt the entire product module into Docker container. Reduced the environment creation time for deployment
    • Developing Python-based API (RESTful Web Service) to expose Deep Learning functionality using Flask
    • (Python, Scala, Spark, Docker, Kubeflow, AWS: EC2, Flask)

    Researcher, North Carolina State University
    Raleigh, NC [ Aug 2018 - Dec 2018 ]

    • Researcher under Dr Nagiza Samatova in collaboration with Stanford Medicine
    • ◦ Developed an autoencoder model for reconstruction of Brain MRIs and classification
    • ◦ Implemented a skull-stripping approach using a u-net architecture to improve the segmentation of tumors
    • ◦ Developed a Deep Convoluted Generative Adversarial Network to learn features and perform data augmentation
    • (Python, Pandas, Deep Learning, Keras, Tensorflow, CUDA)

    Technology Analyst - Developer Intern, ZS Associates
    San Francisco, CA [ June 2018 - Aug 2018 ]

    • Implemented a semantic parser for Synonym Retrieval for enriching textual data in the insight feed
    • Improved data mining tools to provide better business intelligence insights by implementing data science algorithms on Pharmaceutical data
    • Collaborated across teams to generate a knowledge base for the development of the domain-specific Chatbot
    • Designed and Developed AdHoc query BI visualizations on Tableau
    • Used statistical techniques for testing to validate data and interpretations
    • (Python, NLTK, AWS, MySQL, Tableau, Pandas)

    Software Engineer Intern, Hippily Technology Pvt. Ltd.
    Powai, Mumbai [ June 2015 - July 2015 ]

    • Analysed the company's system for providing personalised products for the users.
    • Developed front-end features and User Interface designs across the Android application of Hippily.
    • Added a camera functionality to the application which allows users to take pictures and it is stored on the Hippily server.


    Task Scheduling Bot
    Guide: Dr. Tim Menzies

    • (Node.js, Python, BotKit, Slack APIs, Google Calendar API, MongoDB)
    • Developed an algorithm which uses the student's tasks and courses to generate a personalized schedule
    • Used Node.js for developing the bot and Python for the scheduling algorithm using MongoDB for the storage

    Finding sister cities
    Guide: Dr. Micheal Kowolenko

    • (NLP, Unstructured Text Analytics, TextBlob, Python, News API)
    • Developing an application that takes different parameters such as Demographics, Culture, Economy, Climate and Politics to predict which are the sister cities to the input city
    • Using structured data from sources such as Census, and .gov sites. Along with news articles for the unstructured text analytics.

    Simulating Game Agent using Q-Network
    Guide: Dr. Min Chi

    • (Python, TensorFlow, Keras, Q-Learning, Deep Learning, Game Simulation)
    • Created an Agent to play the game Flappy Bird with Deep Q Learning, a Reinforcement Learning Technique. 
    • Developed a convolutional neural network, trained with a variant of Q-learning, whose input is raw pixels and whose output is a value function estimating future rewards.

    Mammogram Classification
    Guide: Prof. Jyoti Deshmukh

    • Analysed different implementations such as SVM, Convolutional Neural Networks, KNN, Decision Tree, Regression for classification
    • Developed an implementation using modified K-means called Adaptive K-means Algorithm.
    • MIAS, DDSM datasets were trained and tested against the implementation.

    Object Detection and providing purchase links for the object
    Guide: Prof. Dnyaneshwar Dhangar

    • (Object Detection and Recognition, OpenCV, YOLO, R-CNN, Flipkart API)
    • Designed an application that detects everyday objects and took the information to provide purchase links from Flipkart.
    • Recognition of the object was done using YOLO framework based on R-CNN. The model was trained on the COCO dataset.
    • Provided the user with purchase links for the detected object using the API's provided by the vendor site.

    ReadItLater[Webpage Saving System]
    Guide: Prof. Preeti Satao, Prof. Priya Parate

    • A online news articles and webpage saving system. The article saved is free of all the clutter (like adverts) and is saved in the user's account
    • The project used the AlchemyAPI for fetching the article content and store it in the database

    Attacks and its prevention on Mail server
    Guide: Prof. Savita Lade

    • Developed a local Mail Server System using PHP and MySQL.
    • Demonstrated various attacks on the System. The various attacks implemented were Buffer Overflow, SQL Injection, Code Injection, Eavesdropping, Phishing and Brute Force Attack.
    • Security implementations against the attacks were developed.
    • Implementation done using PHP, Javascript, Shell. Ubuntu environment was used and Wireshark was used for Traffic Analysis.

    Time Table Creator
    Guide: Prof. Venkateshwar Prusty

    • An application for generating the timetable for schools/colleges. It takes the required information regarding the course and creates the timetable which can be saved.
    • Implementation was done using C++


    • Android app to manage and record the attendance of a student(college or school).
    • The application makes use of the SQLite database to store locally.
    • Implementation was done using Android Studio



    • [Hackathon]Developed a Chat bot as part of the Annual LexisNexis Hackathon, which provides a text-oriented, conversational interface to answer research questions related to the Cases handled at LexisNexis. The chatbot was built using NodeJS on the Slack Platform and MongoDB was used to handle the data.
    • [Scholarship]Recipient of the Sri Dorabji Tata Scholarship for academic excellence covering full tuition for the academic years 2014-15 and 2015-16
    • [Departmental Award]Recipient of Award for Academic Excellence for the academic year 2014-15(Top ranker among 160 students in Computer Department)
    • [Coding Competition]Secured the second position in CodeVita, conducted by Tata Consultancy Services, among 150,000+ teams across India, in the year 2015
    • [Coding Competition]Secured 115th position in CodeVita(Round 1) and 240th position in CodeVita(Round 2), conducted by Tata Consultancy Services, among 200,000+ teams across India, in the year 2016

    Papers and Publications

    • Shetty, Sainag, et al. "Real time object detection and recognition and estimation of price of the object.""
      International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Special Issue 7-ICEMTE March 2017
    • Shetty, Sainag, et al. "Detection and Recognition of Objects and Providing Purchase links using APIs."
      International Journal of Engineering Science 10897 (2017).